Restorepoint v5.6 is available now

Introducing IPv6 Support, new Change Detection Engine and improvements to Configuration Comparison

The Restorepoint team has been hard at work and is pleased to announce the following new and improved features in our latest release (5.6):-

IPv6 Support

IPv6 addresses are now supported by Restorepoint and Restorepoint Agents allowing customers to centralise configuration backup, compliance analysis, and enable mass changes for both IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges.  

The ability to add IPv6 devices is available to customers running Restorepoint on a Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) build of the the Restorepoint platform, customers using a CentOS build can still upgrade to Restorepoint 5.6, but will need to migrate to an OL8 build to use IPv6 devices.

Configuration Change Detection Engine & Change Comparison

We’ve introduced a new change detection engine which is better able to detect elements such as certificates or other runtime variables which might be updated between backup versions, but doesn’t mean the configuration itself has changed. The configuration comparison screen has a new interface which allows you to better see the differences between configurations.

For a full list of features, fixes, and known issues please see the release notes.

Version 5.6 is available as an automated upgrade to customers currently using version 5.5. For customers still running v5.3, please contact support to request your upgrade and receive instructions on how to migrate to a Oracle Linux 8 build of our platform -

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